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Mnemonics of CHF Drugs And Main Points

Main Points  Of Congestive Heart Failure 

1 ) Most better drug for congestive heart failure 

2)  1ACE Inhibitors. Captopril And Enalapril .

2ACe Also Destroy The Bradykinin 

 3) when Aldosterone is High it produce fibrosis of the Heart . 

4) When Ang 2 Increase It Act As A Growth factors . 

5) When Radius of Heart Increase It becomes Globular.

6) Normal Shape Of The Heart is Elliptical

7) ACE Inhibitors Are Given To Those who Have Ejection fraction Is Less Than 35© 

8) Captopril Are Active Drugs 

9) Other Are Inactive Drugs . Convert In Liver To Active Form 

10) All ACE Are Go out of the Body By Kidney except Fasinopril 

11) Balance clearance Drug Is Fasinopril It Go Out Through Liver . Kidney 

12) Angiotensin acts On , Veins , Artery , Hypothalamus, thirst Center , Zona Glamerulosa , Sympathetic nervous ending 

13) Beta blockers Are Not only Reduce Heart Rate But Aslo Reduce The Abnormal function of the Heart . ( cardiac remodeling) 

14) Metaprolol Is Long Acting Beta Blockers

16) Carvidalol is Both Alpha And Non selective Beta Blocker 

17) NoTe : In many Acute serious CHF beta blockers should not he Given to a Patient Because They Are -ve Inotropic.

18) Thiazide is mild diuretics 

19) Loop diuretics  Strong Diuretics 

20) Action of SA node AV node , Atria and Ventricles depends on calcium . 

21) For Any Cell Which undergo contractions 1st it will undergo Electrical stimulations 

22) The Calcium which come from the outside of cell are called triggered calcium .

23) These calcium when touch the sarcoplasmic membrane , Alot of calcium released from sarcoplasmic called Calcium spark . 

24) During diastolic relaxation the Calcium back absorb by sarcoplasmic reticulum . And the triggered calcium go out from the cell .

25) (Troponin ) tropomyosin the troponin prevent actin and myosin to don't attach with one another, But when calcium spark occur ,it pull the troponin and actine myocine attach and couse contractions of the cell 

26)  uses of ACE Inhibitors are 



3-patient with recent MI 

4-Diabetic Nephropathy

5- Diabetic Retinopathy 

27) All of ACE -I taken Orally preferably on Empty stomach Because Food retard Its Absorption.

28) Benefits Of ACE -I in Diabetic Nephropathy patients 

Decrease Systolic BP 

Decrease Glomerular Hypertension

Decrease Ang 2

29) Frank Starling Law 

the More you put the more you eject , Mean when ventricle are fill more , they contract more 

more you stretch the ventricles , more it contract within physiological limit.

30) Digoxin commonly used 

Having shorter Half life --(36 Hrs or 1.5 day ) 

Shorter action After 20 minutes 

Plasma Proteins Binding 30% 

clearance By Glomeruli 

31 ) Digitoxin half life 5 Days longer action 

start action after 60 minutes 

plasma Proteins Binding=90%

Clearance by Hepatobillary system

32) +ve ionotropic Drugs Are in 3 Groups 

33) What are Positive Ionotropes ?

34) Inotropy : Change in the contraction of Myocardium - positive and Negative 

35) Chronotropy: any thing which change the HR Are Positive and Negative 

36) Dromotropy : Change in the conductivity of  Av Node positive and Negative 

37) Bathmotropy : some tissue in myocardium  Have Automatism 

38) Cleinotropy : increase of Velocity Of Contractions .

39) Lamlos Law 

P=T/R     T= tension R= Radius 

40)  pre load : Load in the ventricles before contractions preload= EDV 

41) After Load : resistance against which ventricle have to perform post load = resistance 

42) Adverse Effects Of ACE -I 


C- Cough ( Dry Cough) Because Bradykinin Not destroyed because ACE are inhibited, The Bradykinin in lungs Couse Cough.

A- Angioedema 

P- protein urea 

T- taste Change 

O- Hypotension

P - pregnancy ( Contraindicated) 

R- Rashes 

I- increase potassium and Renin 

L- Low Ang II and Aldosterone



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