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Barbiturates mnemonics for Nursing and NCLEX


Barbiturates mnemonics


are a class of drugs used as sedatives and hypnotics. There are three types of barbiturates: short-acting, intermediate-acting, and long-acting. Here are some mnemonics to help you remember the names of these drugs:

  1. Short-acting barbiturates:
  • Pentobarbital: "Pento pays with cash"
  • Secobarbital: "Seco arrives late but pays with cash"
  • Butabarbital: "Buta pays with cash too"
  1. Intermediate-acting barbiturates:
  • Amobarbital: "Amo has a lot of hype"
  • Aprobarbital: "Apro has a lot of hype too"
  1. Long-acting barbiturates:
  • Phenobarbital: "Pheno has a phenomenal name"
  • Mephobarbital: "Mepho has a phenomenal name too"

Remember that while barbiturates can be helpful, they also have a high risk of addiction, dependence, and overdose. Always take them as prescribed by your doctor and never share them with others.

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